25 May, 2016

Matt graduates from high school


Fan club (Grandma and Grandpa Anderson, Mum and Drew and Claire, Janice, Rachel and Addie, plus Brooke, presently infiltrating her new fiancé's family):

The tired, the poor, the slouching masses ...

Here is a cool moment of truth:

Three women, more or less ...

You can already tell the difference, can't you?

Old babies (ask Matt or Claire ...):

Matt does have other friends, to the point of most numerous. Unfortunately, the photographer got waylaid by some Kolob 2nd ward business, and so didn't actually get any of them. (And then there's Grandpa ...)

However, cell phones. Here are some of the whooping gamers who frequently show up at the house, to embark on most epic battles there:

Future? This is Matt ...

Matt Duncan and Madeline Taylor took some senior pictures together

(Quoting Kubrick, 1980, of course ...)

Lil blossom

How 'bout this comparison with the original blossom?

Ditto, but updated: