16 January, 2011

From the archives

Thursday, Jan. 15, 1998: Last night Spence looked at several fixed points over Sharon’s shoulders and laughed and laughed.  She didn't see anything, and felt as calm as can be.  Maybe there were friendly visitors.

Sharon takes a break and goes to the church for an evening of sports.  I have some fun with the girls (while Spence sleeps).  Colouring.  Joni Mitchell, because Drew is tired of all these boy singers.  Renoir’s Little Match Girl.  Esau and Jacob reuniting.  During Andersen’s Thumbelina C. and D. are both shocked into wide-eyed amaze at the swallow’s resurrection through the loving ministrations of the protagonist.  C. reads the d’Aulaire’s Abraham Lincoln to me.  Drew reads to Sarah.  I slip over and practice that Chopin piece, at which point Sarah falls spectacularly down the stairs.  Parenting!  She lives to tell the tale.  

Monday, January 20, 2003: To observe MLK day we read some poems by Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen.  We watch an Eyes on the Prize about 1963, and something on the murder of Emmet Till.  Here we are, living in Springville.  I can’t foresee us actually meeting any black people.