04 July, 2018

Lyon, day 2

We continue on with the method that's been working for us. Up we get, out we go!

This is where Spencer used to live.

The beautiful new chapel, completed and dedicated while Spencer was serving here.

Just around the corner from there we visit the very birthplace of film: Lyon's Institut Lumière. The mansion/museum, ground zero (where those workers left that factory), and the thing/cinématographe itself. You might scoff, but this was a touching experience for an elderly film professor!

Not quite cosmopolitans, maybe, but we have ourselves an actual Paul Bocuse experience.

We drive, we park, we walk. Here's Lyon's huge central square, the Place Bellecour.

So much more to cover, with night coming on. Here's a good solution. Poor Spence, though, reduced now to riding in a two-level tour bus with his agéd p's.

We'd been looking down upon the beautiful Rhône; here's the Saône, just as splendid.

And then, evocatively, almost demanding to be considered symbolically, the rivers come together. La Confluence. (Credit, Musée des Confluences, Google Maps.)