03 November, 2018


Mum, Drew and Sarah went down to St. George to visit the Millers. They took Drew's youngster, Agnes, along.

At some point in the weekend everyone went out for a drive or a visit, or a bite, or something. Naturally! Also quite naturally, they left Agnes behind with her canine counterpart, Jack.

Let us remember, now, that Agnes is a rescue dog. She has been through some difficult things. Maybe one of them is that she has been abandoned, or neglected. Or perhaps she was once abused by a set of window shutters.

Here is Agnes's mama in the aftermath of that ill-fated outing, showing us what happens when the shades are drawn on a young person who thinks she may not ever see her family again.

Drew is facing the music here. It is clear that, at this juncture at least, Agnes is not quite willing or able to look us in the eye ...