03 March, 2019

Drew's new job

Drew has recently joined the gang at JK! Studios, a new-ish enterprise comprised of the former cast members of BYU TV's long-standing uber-hit, Studio C. They have now struck out on their own, undertaking to continue with and at the same time elaborate upon the family-friendly comedy that they've been serving up for most of the last decade.

Here they are:

Some of these defectors went through BYU's film program, which is where Drew originally ran into them. Some room-mating resulted, and a bit of writing, and attendance at numerous of their debauched parties.

Now that they have re-incorporated, the JK's have set up shop in a happenin' facility in Lehi, Utah. Here are some shots:

Drew, who is natively a writer, and podcaster, and hermit, has just been hired on as their editor. You've got to actually do some work once in a while, don't you?

Here's an array of JK programming, produced over the last few months. Drew cut episodes 2-5 of the Loving Lyfe brand. Good job, Drew, and friends!

Take a look:
