27 March, 2011

From the archives: a selection of things that have happened on March 28, when Spencer was little, in honour of his 15th birthday...

Friday, March 28, 1997: Spencer is one.  One-year birthdays are always interesting.  What exactly do these little ones know?  I find myself thinking about Spencer’s predecessors at that age.  Caitlin, all chicken-poxy, surrounded by clamouring, celebrating cousins on Hill Street.  Drew, serenely watching while some other cousins get into a little scuffle at the Langes' house.  Sarah in the sun at 1060 E in Springville, making funny yogurt faces for everyone’s enjoyment.  The latest model?  As usual, very cheerful with a little bit of an edge.  He got a bulldozer toy, looked very excited, vroomed it furiously, then got frustrated and tried a little tantrum.  He yells with his small squeaky voice, arches his body, even thrashes around a bit.  This is a bit trying, but as I think back on it now, I have tender thoughts.  A wee man.  Should we have another?  

Sunday, March 28, 1999: Spencer’s 3rd birthday, already!  He gets binocs, a Gene Autrey CD, a big dump truck, and some boring clothes.  He wanted nothing to do with them.  We do a Spencer-is-great lesson for Family Home Evening.  Caitlin contributes a spot-on Ethel Merman impersonation.  We're not sure how that contributed to our theme, but are nevertheless very glad to have seen it.  Afterward Spence just keeps playing and playing with that tractor.  When you think of it, at three, most every day is like a birthday. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2000: Spencer awakes joyfully, here on his fourth birthday.  He gets a market book and a Yearling laser disc, which he and Matty watch raptly.  We read the book three times.  He’s also got a toy/plush monkey that he carries around breaklessly.  At the end of the day he takes that monkey to bed with him, forgetting even to ask for his blanket.  We are delighted by the sight of those two happy , sleeping, simian faces.
Wednesday, March 28, 2001: Spence is five.  He is up at 6 AM to open presents.  He  feels philosophical.  “Sometimes I don’t feel like I’m five years old.  Sometimes it seems like I’m still a little boy.”    

Thursday, March 28, 2002: Spence wants breadsticks and green jello for his birthday dinner...

Night shot by Spence

Spence, shot by night