12 March, 2011

Grandpa Duncan through the ages...

Donald James Duncan, born Edmonton, Alberta, September 26, 1935

We love the shoes and the sailboat, those Northern Alberta plants, that casually perfect camera angle, simultaneously perpendicular and diagonalized.  Who took this?  And who is standing beside the one who took it? 

Notice also that facial expression--this little one seems to feel that there's something faintly offensive about having your picture taken...

Grandpa and Aunt Shirley, parts 1, 2 and 3 (born 1932; can you guess who she was named after?):

At the opening of the Edmonton Municipal Pool.  Still troubled about that photography thing.  (Cool bathing suits!)

That's Great Grandpa Hill, who was a gentleman, a sportsman, and a guy who went skating with his grandkids.  You should hear that hunting story!  This is the kind of snow that squeaks when you walk on it, and this is the kind of air that may cause your nostrils to freeze together.  

Just after the commission of their first felony...

Taking a great leap forward, to 1971, in case you were wondering.  This is the back of that new building lot in Riverbend.  He's been working on that smile for a while now, and appears to be on the brink of accomplishing it.  We proclaim this to be a cool outfit, which is fitting for such a cool guy.