After Winter semester of 2010, I was soooo stressed out (read: tired of studying insufficiently for dumb GEs), so I was sort of willingly pushed into a trip down to the country of Costa Rica with three boys who spoke no Spanish.
Should I have gone? Budgetarily speaking, probably not. But it was really fun.
Here are some
very amateur photographs from the trip:

On our way from the coastal town of Tamarindo to the mountain village of Monte Verde.

Arenal Volcana overlooking the city of La Fortuna
(very much an active volcano. We sat a few miles from the base one night and watched lava barf over the top edge for a good hour)

A nature walk around the base of the above volcano during the day. The wildlife is spectacular because of the richness of the soil. Then we smoked 'em.

cascada a few miles outside of La Fortuna. This was in the middle of a serious rainforest, we had to hike in a few miles to get here, but the swimming was worth it.

Poorly executed artsy shot attempt, but the flower is pretty, eh?