06 July, 2016

Mum, Dad and Claire have a big July 1/July 4 weekend

We're on our way to Caitlin and Colton and Lucy's new house. But how can you pass up Panguitch?

Didn't even show up on Booking.com's list of Panguitch accommodations!

Three travelers? Got it covered!


Let's consult the city website, for July 1/2:

"Join us for the first annual Panguitch Chicken Lights and Chrome Truck Show!  Come see beautiful new, working, and antique trucks and find out what chicken lights are!  There will be a light show on Friday night at 9:00 p.m. on Main Street where the public can see hundreds of lights on each truck on display and see inside a working semi.  Saturday, the truck show will be at the city park with vendors and the opportunity to visit with the truck owners and an awards presentation at 4:00."

Mum and Claire are impressed. They show it differently.

Exploring the town, working up an appetite:

We're walkin' here!

Ask Mum about our visit to the Original Kenny Rays. There's some dispute about where or whether there's an apostrophe.

Night falls, and the Panguitch Chicken Lights and Chrome Truck show becomes positively magical!

Actually, it was cool. A town should do whatever it wants to have fun!