14 July, 2016


We lost a more-or-less member of the family today. We think this loved one might have been original to this house, this dear home of ours, which was built way back in 1934. This loved one may actually have come with the original Mormon pioneers, back in '47. The Ute tribe? Very possibly!

Milo, knowing nothing of this impending loss, and yet with the mysterious and immeasurable wisdom of all wild creatures, came up and communed with our old friend for a quiet and tender hour, just before the end.

Then the floor guy drove up in his truck. He gave Mum $100. She took it, calmly. After all the good times, the hard times, the profound and sweet times! Mum even made us carry our old friend out, and pack our old friend up. Then the floor guy got in and drove away.

"Frailty, thy name is ..." No, that's not it. Ah well. Sorrow ...

Gone, but never forgotten!