26 June, 2015

Meadowlark, IV

Before school, church. Here's the 142nd street chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:

Unprepossessing, eh? You can just see the narrow windows, right below the roof line there. Sacrament meeting was late, pre-block, and in the winter time it was long dark outside. I looked at those hanging light fixtures with the little bolt-like things sticking out. Always thought of Frankenstein, which is to say his monster. Hadn't seen the movie, but Scott and I made monster models together for a few years there. We did see Robinson Crusoe on Mars, though.

Once, I think, I kicked the bench in front of me. Don't, they said. That man will get mad at you. I still have nightmares about that.

Graduating from junior primary, and then being ushered down the hallway and into another classroom. Senior primary?! The first of so many deep, wrenching disappointments. Reciting What Was I Scared Of? for a talent show. Doing a remarkable job of it too. Similarly, singing, right in church. The Queen of the Night aria, I believe.

I seem to remember getting up and bearing my infant testimony, or at least my childish one. I seem to remember, somehow, incorporating Jerry Lewis into one of these performances.

Baptized here, just on the brink of moving there ...

P.S. I don't really have nightmares about that.