09 June, 2015

TMA (Theatre and Media Arts) Writers' Conference, June 3-6, 2015

Two celebrities arriving:

A senior citizen who wandered in:

The morning's 1st item of business is to read through Drew's Bob's Burgers script.

Directing the actors:

The reading. Home run!

Response by Karen Kirkham, VP of Talent and Outreach at the Nickelodeon television network:

"You’ve done your research.  You know your characters very well.  And you write from the character out, so that your jokes feel natural, the whole thing feels organic.  At the same time, the script is very efficient, very tight. 
"Your B story could probably use a couple of variations more. 
"The script is very funny!  You got the audience’s sympathy and attention right away.  There are lots of laugh-out-loud moments.  In fact, on a couple of occasions we were laughing over one line, and then missed the funnier one that followed.  So you're building whole comic sequences, very effectively.  

"There’s a weight to this script, something knowing.  I assume that you've broken your arm."

Drew said that she had, but that this piece had actually come from the time she had broken her sister's arm.

"Well anyway," continued Ms. Kirkland, laughing, "I can see that this work comes from personal experience, and that you added a great deal of craft and imagination to that experience.

"Excellent work. Well done!"  ​

Day 2: Drew and Tom R. run a panel on comedy writing with their friends from BYUB's Studio C.

Two things are wrong with this picture:

The Booster Club:

Setting it up.  Tom is thinking about Roger Daltrey.

Probably preparing to make that inappropriate comment about home schoolers ...

Words of wisdom:

Post-mortem. If you look closely, there's a not particularly tasteful verbal pun happening here: