29 June, 2015

The Mall

Do you see that mirage, off in the distance?

Not exactly like it was in my old days.

That's the view from the high school. Or, to be exact, from the Louis St. Laurent, which is the Catholic high school right next door. If there had been a mall near my school that I would have walked to for and through innumerable class skips, this would have been it. Good thing I didn't do any of that.

The Bay, or Canada's ancient, primordial retailer. It was here, in there, that the legendary Susan Duncan/Dale Salmon incident took place. Right in there is where I bought a whole lot of Beatles albums, for $5.37. Bunches of Hardy Boys books, believe it or not. Asterix!

Remember that one time? I was upstairs in the Sporting Goods. My Mum's birthday was coming up. One stone. What two birds can I kill with it? With my agonizingly limited funds I bravely bought her a hockey stick. When the day came I gave it to her. She looked at me. I looked at her. Can I use it, I asked.

No, she said, with a certain gleam in her eye.

Much, a lifetime later, my soon-to-be wife and I picked out a wedding ring for me, right through those very doors.