14 September, 2015

Labour Day hike, 2015

On September 7, 2015 a bunch of us made our way up into the High Uintas Wilderness, to the Wall Lake (17 lakes) Loop specifically. (Here's a nice other-generated overview: http://climb-utah.com/Uinta/wall.htm.) We hiked, we climbed and descended, we sat around, we ate stuff, we skipped rocks, and we lived to tell the tale!

 Now, Claire ...

Gathering, fueling:

We're off!

These guys, up to something or other:

We walked through this:

Product placement:

A breather:

An elderly lady:

The elderly lady, having a tough time keeping up.

Peas, pod:

We walked through this, too:

The elderly lady, epilogue ...


Even more done than that!