24 June, 2019

Bringing us all up to date, pt. 1

Hey, guys. We haven't posted lately, but life sure has kept happening while we were away! These things, for instance:

Lilacs ...

Sarah got her first big cast off. Foot, fixed! (With some recovering left to do, mind you.)

We found a few blasts from our photographic pasts. Spencer, multiplied, a pair of old Claire and Mum team pictures, plus a possible future for Claire.

Matt 'n Alex, still going strong. We knew all those art museum visits would eventually pay off!

Claire's soccer coach suggested that
she and the rest of her teammates be sure to avoid any risky or rambunctious activities before their impending State Cup tournament. And yet, grade 12, and HS traditions, and friends, and cross-training!

All that being the case, what could be the harm of a little powder-puff football contest?

Well ...

Ouch, somewhat. But let's be clear here. You gotta live! And this little thing happened right after Claire caught a touchdown pass in the end zone. There's a forever story for you, even a heroic one.

(This happened on Tuesday, April 30.)

Side note: who can really blame Claire's opponent for shoving an off-balance opponent, during a flag football game? Not Claire, as it turns out. Fairness, toughness and courage followed.

Some morbidity followed too. As in repeated, fascinated photo-taking of the affected spot.

Oh, that second one! Four things, say the doctors. First, the dominant side (she's a lefty). Second, displaced. (See x-ray.) Third, shortened. (See x-ray!). Fourth, the word that Spencer kept running out of the room to avoid hearing or thinking about, which was tenting. In other words, this clavicle was snapped, overlapping, and sticking right out.

Meaning? Surgery! Which we couldn't schedule until eight days later.

Meanwhile ...

Caitlin graduates with her Master of Education in Educational Psychology degree, from the University of Utah!

Took this last little picture after Caitlin went on ahead, to join her cohort in Kingsbury Hall. These pictures too:

Lots of Ed students, together with their proud family members! The Winegars had come to lunch and then left, before Luca went mental. After that we were Colton, Lucy, Zebby and Julie, Mum, Dad, Drew, Spence and Matt.

We got in. Here's what we saw, from where we were.

Lucy loved the whole exciting thing!

After, these triumphant images of the champions, with their admirers:

No sweat, eh Caitlin?

Actually, it's been a pretty long and winding road, since that long-ago start at the University of Missouri back there in Columbia MO! A college degree, and a master's degree more especially, is no small thing.

(This happened on Friday, May 4.)

Here is another one of the Miller's great accomplishments, from this same period. No small thing either!