24 June, 2019

Bringing us all up to date, pt. 4—more graduations!

First, though—what's going on with that collarbone?

Not gross at all! Unanticipated and very entertaining glue allergies aside, and the fact that at one point the plated collarbone was looking more like a cordillera, this was all going very well!

Let us say that (LDS) Seminary Graduation is still graduation. Here is Brandon Gomez, who Claire took to Preference last year. A little while later he spoke in our (LDS) ward. Dad was conducting the meeting, and introduced him as a recently returned missionary. Which is obviously not true, since he just graduated from high school. This is one of the things that happens when one's kids systematically refuse to introduce their friends and dates and all to one.

Here's a very important first encounter, commemorated by this beautiful four-generation photograph. (Even though two of the generations are actually missing.)

And now, our last child's high school graduation!

First child Caitlin, of course, is down in Southern Utah, being fairly pregnant. With that very understandable exception, the rest of us were all in attendance! Grandma A. as well! We had this delicious dinner, then made our way down to Utah Valley University's events centre, and everything.